東京工業大学 名誉教授
前 フィンランド ユヴァスキュラ大学 研究教授
国際応用システム分析研究所(IIASA) 上席客員研究員
日本Xセンターフォーラム 代表
研究・イノベーション学会 国際問題分科会 主査
渡辺千仭 研究室


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略 歴

1968年 東京大学 工学部都市工学科 卒業
1968年 通商産業省 入省
1981年 通商産業省 大臣官房 企画官
1982年 通商産業省 工業技術院 次世代産業技術開発官
1984年 NEDO シドニー事務所長
1987年 通商産業省 工業技術院 技術調査課長
1988年 埼玉大学 大学院 政策科学研究科教授・研究科長
1990年 NEDO 産業技術研究開発部長
1992年 通商産業省 工業技術院 総括研究開発官
1992年 博士(学術:東京大学)[日本の技術革新の誘発要因に関する実証分析]
1993年 通商産業省 工業技術院 技術審議官
1994年 国際応用システム分析研究所(IIASA:在ウィーン)技術顧問
1995年 東京工業大学 工学部経営システム工学科・大学院 社会理工学研究科 教授
2004年 21世紀COE「インスティテューショナル技術経営学」拠点リーダー
2005年 東京工業大学 評議員
2005年 東京工業大学 インスティテューショナル技術経営学研究センター長
2009年 東京成徳大学 経営学部 教授
2009年 シンガポール国立大学 工学部 客員教授
2009年 フィンランドユヴァスキュラ大学 情報技術学部 客員教授・研究教授


2002年 6月 13日 最優秀論文賞World Automation Congress
2003年 9月 8日 卓越研究賞IAMOT(国際MOT学会)
2005年 2月 1日 卓越研究組織賞IAMOT(国際MOT学会)
2006年 6月 1日 最優秀論文賞Journal of Advances in Management Research
2008年 4月 15日 文部科学大臣表彰・科学技術賞 文部科学大臣
2008年 10月 15日 卓越研究賞研究・技術計画学会
2009年 4月 10日 卓越研究賞IAMOT(国際MOT学会)
2014年 11月 3日 瑞宝小綬章日本国
2016年 5月 4日 卓越貢献賞フィンランドユヴァスキュラ大学
2022年 4月 5日 栄誉賞中央フィンランド情報処理協会

研究グラント (競争的研究費)

2015-2020 フィンランドアカデミー 特別研究推進助成 Platform Value Now (PVN) プラットフォームエコシステム形成ダイナミズムの解明・可視化・操作化 850 百万円 副代表者
2013-2016 科学研究費 基盤研究 (A) サプライチェーン途絶リスクマネジメントの方法論およびシステム構築に関する研究 36 百万円 共同研究者
2013 電気通信普及財団 研究助成 ICT先進国と開発途上国の2極化とそのパラドックス 1 百万円 研究代表者
2010-2012 日本私立学校振興・共済事業団
21 百万円 研究代表者
2007-2009 科学研究費 基盤研究 (A) ハイブリッド技術経営-ITの自己増殖機能の内生化と製造技術との共進 36 百万円 研究代表者
2004-2008 研究拠点形成費等補助金
インスティテューショナル技術経営学 -日本型共進ダイナミズムの解明と世界価値への昇華 490 百万円 研究代表者
2002-2006 科学研究費 基盤研究 (S) 社会経済への浸透過程における技術の性格形成メカニズム - 製造技術ITとの比較分析 76 百万円 研究代表者
2001-2003 NEDO 国際研究支援 IT普及促進のダイナミズム分析 15 百万円 研究代表者
1999-2001 科学研究費 国際学術研究 技術革新と経済発展との相互作用に視点を据えた日米欧の発展軌跡の比較分析 25 百万円 研究代表者
1999-2001 科学研究費 基盤研究 (B) 技術のグローバル・スピルオーバーとその競争力構造に及ぼす影響の理論的・実証的分析 15 百万円 研究代表者
1996-2001 富士通総研 共同研究 技術革新の計量分析手法の開発 57 百万円 研究代表者
1996-1998 科学研究費 国際学術研究 技術革新と経済発展との相互作用に視点を据えた日米欧の発展軌跡の比較分析 17 百万円 研究代表者
1996-1998 科学研究費 基盤研究 (B) 製造業の研究開発投資内部収益率の微視的計測と支配要因・競争力の比較相関分析 7 百万円 研究代表者



  1. Y. Tou and C. Watanabe, ”Novel R&D Capabilities as a Response to ESG Risks - Lessons from Amazon's Fusion of Diverse Knowledge." International Journal of Managing Information Technology 15, No. 4 (2023) 1-22.
  2. A. Nagamatsu, Y. Tou and C. Watanabe, ”Effectively Connect Acquired Technology to Innovation over a Long Period." International Journal of Managing Information Technology 15, Nos. 1/2 (2023) 33-47.
  3. W. Akhtar, C. Watanabe, Y. Tou and P. Neittaanmaki, "A New Perspective on the Textile and Apparel Industry in the Digital Transformation Era." Textiles 2 (2022) 633-656.
  4. C. Watanabe, W. Akhtar, Y. Tou and P. Neittaanmaki, “A New Perspective of Innovation toward a Non-Contact Society: Amazon's Initiative in Pioneering Growing Seamless Switching" Technology in Society 69 (2022) 101953.
  5. C. Watanabe, W. Akhtar, Y. Tou and P. Neittaanmaki, “Amazon's New Supra-Omnichannel: Realizing Growing Seamless Switching for Apparel During COVID-19." Technology in Society 66 (2021) 101645.
  6. C. Watanabe, W. Akhtar, Y. Tou and P. Neittaanmaki, “Amazon's Initiative Transforming a Non-Contact Society: Digital Disruption Leads the Way to Stakeholder Capitalization." Technology in Society 65 (2021) 101596.
  7. C. Watanabe, Y. Tou and P. Neittaanmaki, “Institutional Systems Inducing R&D in Amazon: The Role of an Investor Surplus Toward Stakeholder Capitalization.” Technology in Society 63 (2020) 101290.
  8. C. Watanabe, W. Akhtar, Y. Tou and P. Neittaanmäki, “Fashion-driven Textiles as a Crystal of a New Stream for Stakeholder Capitalism: Amazon’s Endeavor.” International Journal of Managing Information Technology 12, No. 2 (2020) 19-42.
  9. N. Naveed, C. Watanabe and P. Neittaanmaki, “Co-evolutionary Coupling Leads a Way to a Novel Concept of R&D: Lessons from Digitalized Bioeconomy.” Technology in Society 60 (2020) 101220.
  10. T. Tou, C. Watanabe and P. Nettanmaki, “Fusion of Technology Management and Financing Management: Amazon’s Transformative Endeavor by Orchestrating Techno-financing Systems.” Technology in Society 60 (2020) 101219.
  11. T. Tou, C. Watanabe, K. Moriya and P. Nettanmaki, “Harnessing Soft Innovation Resources Leads to Neo Open Innovation.” Technology in Society 58 (2019) 101114.
  12. C. Watanabe and Y. Tou, “Transformative Direction of R&D: Lessons from Amazon’s Endeavor,” Technovation 88 (2019) 102081.
  13. Y. Tou, C. Watanabe, K. Moriya, N. Naveed, V. Varpilat and P. Neittaanmaki, “The Transformation of R&D into Neo Open Innovation: A New Concept in R&D Endeavor Triggered by Amazon.” Technology in Society 58 (2019) 101141.
  14. N. Naveed, C. Watanabe, K. Moriya and P. Neittaanmaki, “Co-evolutionary Coupling via a Digital-bio Ecosystem: A Suggestion for a New R&D Model in the Digital Economy.” International Journal of Managing Information Technology 11, No. 2 (2019) 65-87.
  15. K. Moriya, Y. Tou, C. Watanabe, and P. Neittaanmaki, “Co-evolutionary Coupling between Captured and Uncaptured GDP Cycles: Cross Learning from Amazon and Finland Modelsfor Sustainability.” International Journal of Managing Information Technology 11, No. 2 (2019) 33-54.
  16. Y. Tou, C. Watanabe, K. Moriya and P. Neittaanmaki, “A Solution to the Dilemma between R&D Expansion and the Productivity Decline: Lessons from the R&D Models in Amazon and Finland.” International Journal of Managing Information Technology 11, No. 2 (2019) 9-31.
  17. Y. Tou, C. Watanabe, K. Moriya, V. Varpilat and P. Neittaanmaki, “A New Concept of R&D in Neo Open Innovation: Transformation of R&D Triggered by Amazon.” International Journal of Managing Information Technology 11, No.1 (2019) 17-35.
  18. K. Moriya, Y. Tou, C. Watanabe and P. Neittaanmaki, “Towards Overcoming the Limitation of GDP in the Digital Economy: Lessons from the UK’s Endeavor and Other Recent Studies.” Open Journal of Economies and Finance 31 (2019) 1-10.
  19. Y. Tou, C. Watanabe, K. Moriya and P. Neittaanmaki, “Neo Open Innovation in the Digital Economy: Harnessing Soft Innovation Resources.” International Journal of Managing Information Technology 10, No. 4 (2018) 53-75.
  20. C. Watanabe, N. Naveed and P. Neittaanmaki, “Digitalized Bioeconomy: Planned Obsolescence-Driven Circular Economy Enabled by Co-evolutionary Coupling.” Technology in Society 56 (2018) 8-30.
  21. Y. Tou, C. Watanabe, L. Ilmola, K. Moriya and P. Neittaanmaki, “Hybrid Role of Soft Innovation Resources: Finland’s Notable Resurgence in the Digital Economy.” International Journal of Managing Information Technology 10, No. 4 (2018) 1-21.
  22. C. Watanabe, K. Naveed , Y. Tou and P. Neittaanmaki, “Measuring GDP in the Digital Economy: Increasing Dependence on Uncaptured GDP.” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 137 (2018) 226-240.
  23. C. Watanabe, Y. Tou and P. Neittaanmaki, “A New Paradox of the Digital Economy: Structural Sources of the Limitation of GDP Statistics,” Technology in Society 55 (2018) 9-33.
  24. C. Watanabe, N. Naveed and P. Neittaanmaki, “Digital Solutions Transform the Forest-based Bioeconomy into a Digital Platform Industry: A Suggestion for a Disruptive Business Model in the Digital Economy,” Technology in Society 54 (2018) 168-188.
  25. Y. Tou, K. Moriya, C. Watanabe, L. Ilmola and P. Neittaanmali, “Soft Innovation Resources: Enabler for Reversal in GDP Growth in the Digital Economy,” International Journal of Managing Information Technology 10, No. 3 (2018) 9-29.
  26. C. Watanabe, K. Moriya, Y. Tou and P. Neittaanmali, “Consequences of the Digital Economy: Transformation of the Growth Concept,” International Journal of Managing Information Technology 10, No. 2 (2018) 21-39.
  27. C. Watanabe, K. Moriya, Y. Tou and P. Neittaanmaki, “Structural Sources of a Productivity Decline in the Degital Economy,” International Journal of Managing Information Technology 10, No. 1 (2018) 1-20.
  28. K. Naveed, C. Watanabe and P. Neittaanmaki, "The Transformative Direction of Innovation toward an IoT-driven Society: Increasing Dependency on Uncaptured GDP in Global ICT Firms.” Technology in Society 53 (2018) 23-46.
  29. C. Watanabe, N. Naveed, K. Naveed and P. Neittaanmaki, “Transformation of the Forest-based Bioeconomy by Embracing Digital Solutions,” Journal of Technology Management for Growing Economies 8, No. 2 (2017) 191-214.
  30. C. Watanabe, K. Naveed and P. Neittaanmaki, “ICT-driven Disruptive Innovation Nurtures Un-captured GDP: Harnessing Women’s Potential as Untapped Resources,” Technology in Society 51 (2017) 81-101.
  31. K. Shum and C. Watanabe, “From Compact City to Smart City: A Sustainability Science & Synergy Perspective,” Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering A 6 (2017) 200-208.
  32. K. Naveed, C. Watanabe and P. Neittaanmaki, “Co-evolution between Streaming and Live Music Leads a Way to the Sustainable Growth of Music Industry: Lessons from the US Experiences,” Technology in Society 50 (2017) 1-19.
  33. M. Nakagawa and C. Watanabe, “Roles of Exogenous Technologies in Vehicle Innovation: Cases from a Japan’s Automotive Parts Manufacturing Firm,” Journal of Technology Management for Growing Economies 8, No. 1 (2017) 93-112.
  34. C. Watanabe, K. Naveed and P. Neittaanmaki, “Harnessing Women’s Potential Finland and Japan for Growing Economies,” Journal of Technology Management for Growing Economies 8, No. 1 (2017) 67-92.
  35. C. Watanabe, K. Naveed and P. Neittaanmaki, “Co-evolution between Trust in Teachers and Higher Education toward Digitally-rich Learning Environments,” Technology in Society 48 (2017) 70-96.
  36. C. Watanabe, K. Naveed, P. Neittaanmaki and B. Fox “Consolidated Challenge to Social Demand for Resilient Platforms: Lessons from Uber’s Global Expansion,” Technology in Society 48 (2017) 33-53.
  37. C. Watanabe, K. Naveed and P. Neittaanmaki, “Co-evolution between Trust in Teachers and Higher Education Enabled by ICT Advancement: A Suggestion to ICT Growing Economies,” Journal of Technology Management in Growing Economies 7, No. 2 (2016) 7-38.
  38. C. Watanabe, K. Naveed and P. Neittaanmaki, “Co-evolution of Three Mega-trends Natures Un-Captured GDP: Uber’s Ride-sharing Revolution,” Technology in Society 46 (2016) 164-185.
  39. C. Watanabe, K. Naveed, P. Neittaanmaki and Y. Tou, “Operationalization of Un-captured GDP: Innovation Stream under New Global Mega-trends,” Technology in Society 45 (2016) 58-77.
  40. H. Hyvonen, M. Helminen and C. Watanabe, “Significance of Supplier Selection Criteria Evolvement in IT Outsourcing to Emerging Economies: Lessons from a Global IT Outsourcing Project,” Journal of Technology Management for Growing Economies 6, No. 2 (2015) 7-25.
  41. C. Watanabe, K. Naveed and P. Neittaanmaki, “Dependency on Un-captured GDP as a Source of Resilience Beyond Economic Value in Countries with Advanced ICT Infrastructure: Similarity and Disparities between Finland and Singapore,” Technology in Society 42 (2015) 104-122.
  42. C. Watanabe, K. Naveed and W. Zhao, “New Paradigm of ICT Productivity: Increasing Role of Un-captured GDP and Growing Anger of Consumers,” Technology in Society 41 (2015) 21-44.
  43. N. Srikanth and C. Watanabe, “Fusing East and West Leads a Way to Global Competitiveness in Emerging Economy: Lessons from China’s Leap in Wind Energy Development,” Journal of Technology Management for Growing Economies 5, No. 2 (2014) 7-22.
  44. C. Watanabe, K. Naveed and W. Zhao, “Structural Source of the Trap of ICT Advancement: Lessons from World ICT Top Leaders,” Journal of Technology Management for Growing Economies 5, No. 2 (2014) 49-71.
  45. K. Sandar and C. Watanabe, “Strategic Option of ICT Driven Development Trajectory in Myanmar,” Journal of Technology Management for Growing Economies 5, No. 2 (2014) 89-127.
  46. C. Watanabe and M.P., Salmadar, “Technology Strategy and Technology Policy,” Technovation 34, No. 12 (2014) 731-733.
  47. C. Watanabe, K. Naveed and W. Zhao, “Institutional Sources of Resilience in Global ICT Leaders: Harness the Vigor of Emerging Power,” Journal of Technology Management for Growing Economies 5, No. 1 (2014) 7-34.
  48. C. Watanabe, “Innovation-Consumption Co-emergence Leads a Resilience Business,” Innovation and Supply Chain Management 7, No. 3 (2013) 92-104.
  49. N. Srikanth and C. Watanabe, “Government’s Catalytic Role in Emerging Economy: Critical Comparison of China’s Conspicuous in Wind and Solar Industry,” Journal of Technology Management for Growing Economies 4, No. 1 (2013) 7-48.
  50. W. Zhao, C. Watanabe and Y. Tou,” Co-emergence of Institutional Innovation Navigates the New Normal in Growing Economics,” Journal of Technology Management for Growing Economies 4, No.1 (2013) 69-81.
  51. C. Watanabe, G. Kanno and Y. Tou, “Inside the Learning Dynamism Inducing the Resonance between Innovation and High-demand Consumption: A Case of Japan’s High-functional Mobile Phones,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 79, No. 7 (2012) 1292-1311.
  52. N. Srikanth and C. Watanabe, “Fusing East and West Leads a Way to Global Competitiveness in Emerging Economy: Source of China’s Conspicuous Strength in Solar Industry,” Journal of Technology Management for Growing Economies 3, No. 2 (2012) 7-53..
  53. K. Fukuda and C. Watanabe, “A Transition from Consumption-Dependent Development to Investment-Driven Development: A Comparison of 40 Countries,” Journal of Technology Management for Growing Economies 3, No. 2 (2012) 137-157.
  54. C. Watanabe, W. Zhao and M. Nasuno, “Resonance between Innovation and Consumers: Suggestions to Emerging Market Customers,” Journal of Technology Management for Growing Economies 3, No. 1 (2012) 7-31.
  55. M. Chew and C. Watanabe, “Hybrid Management of Technology for Global Co-evolution: Insights from Singapore’s Water Industry,” Journal of Technology Management for Growing Economies 2, No. 2 (2011) 7-20.
  56. K. Fukuda and C. Watanabe, “A Perspective on Frugality in Growing Economies: Triggering a Virtuous Cycle between Consumption Propensity and Growth,” Journal of Technology Management for Growing Economies 2, No. 2 (2011) 79-97.
  57. M. Chew, C. Watanabe and Y. Tou, “The Challenges in Singapore NEWater Development: Co-evolutionary Development for Innovation and Industry Evolution,” Technology in Society 33, No. 3 (2011) 200-211.
  58. C. Watanabe, M. Nasuno and J.H. Shin, “Utmost Gratification of Consumption by means of Supra-Functionality Leads a Way to Overcoming Global Economic Stagnation,” Journal of Services Research11, No. 2 (2011) 31-58.
  59. M. Chew, C. Watanabe and Y. Tou, “Vibrant Eco-system Creation for Sustainability: A Lesson from Singapore’s Water Industry,” Journal of Technology Management for Growing Economies 2, No. 1 (2011) 61-87.
  60. K. Fukuda, W. Zhao and C. Watanabe, “Dual Hybrid Management of Technology: Co-evolution with Growing Economies,” Journal of Technology Management for Growing Economies 2, No. 1 (2011) 9-26.
  61. C. Watanabe, J.H. Shin and J. Heikkinen, “Transition Dynamism in Web 2.0: Emerging Dynamism of New Functionality Impacting on a Service-oriented Economy,” Journal of Services Research 11, No. 1 (2011) 77-100.
  62. K. Moriyama and C. Watanabe, “New Cluster of Industrial Sectors toward a Service-oriented Economy: R&D Profitability Criteria Substitutes for Labor Productivity Criteria.” Journal of Services Research 11, No. 1 (2011) 9-40.
  63. C. Watanabe, J.H. Shin, J. Heikkinen, W. Zhao and C. Griffy-Brown, “New Functionality Development through Follower Substitution for a Leader in Open Innovation,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 78, No.1 (2011) 116-131.
  64. K. Fukuda and C. Watanabe, “Catalyst Role of Government R&D Inducing Hybrid Management in Japan,” Journal of Technology Management for Growing Economies 1, No. 2 (2010) 105-123.
  65. M. Chew, C. Watanabe and Y. Tou, “Technology Leapfrogging Findings from Singapore’s Water Industry,” Journal of Technology Management for Growing Economies 1, No. 2 (2010) 29-47.
  66. H. Horio and C. Watanabe, “The Paradox of a Service-Oriented Economy for Energy Efficiency: The Vicious Impact of Network Externality Contrasted by Japan and China,” Journal of Services Research 10, No. 2 (2010) 79-97.
  67. M. Nakagawa and C. Watanabe, “A Revival of Material Innovation: Strategic Technology Spillovers in Japan’s Material Industry in the 2000s,” Journal of Services Research 10, No. 2 (2010) 9-23.
  68. M. Nakagawa and C. Watanabe, “Innovation Dynamics of Materials Technology: An Empirical Analysis and Recommendations,” in P.L. Saez, G.M. Castro, J.E.N. Lopez, and M. Delgado-Verde eds., Intellectual Capital and Technological Innovation: Knowledge-Based Theory and Pracice (Information Science Reference, Pennsylvania, 2010) (ISBN 978-1-61520-857-3) 131-151.
  69. W. Zhao and C. Watanabe, “Risk Management in Software Outsourcing: A Portfolio Analysis of India’s Case based on Software Export Market Constitution,” Journal of Services Research 10, No. 1 (2010) 143-155.
  70. C. Watanabe, S. Akaike and J.H. Shin, “Adaptitive Efficiency of Japan’s National Innovation System toward a Service-oriented Economy,” Journal of Services Research 10, No. 1 (2010) 7-50.
  71. T. Saiki, T. Takahashi, J.H. Shin, C. Watanabe, Y. Tou and N. Ouchi, “Global Coevolution as a Source of a High-profits Resilient Structure: A Lesson from Shin-Etsu Chemical,” International Journal of Society Systems Science 2, No. 1 (2010) 63-83.
  72. C. Watanabe, "Co-evolutionary Dynamismbetween Innovation and Institutional Systems: The Rise and Fall of the JapaneseSystem of Management of Technology," in: TokyoInstitute of Technology, The Science of InstitutionalManagement of Technology: Elucidation of Japan’s Indigenous Co-evolutionaryDynamism and Its Accrual to Global Assets. Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo (2009) 21-34.
  73. N. Ouchi and C. Watanabe, “The Impact of Diversifying Technologies in Related Areas on Firm’s Profitability: The Case of Canon’s Copying Machines and Printers,” International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 10, No. 2 (2009) 178-198.
  74. C. Watanabe, J.H. Shin, S. Akaike and C.Grrify-Brown, “Learning and Assimilation vs. M&A and Innovation: Japan at the Crossroads, “Technology in Society 31, No. 3 (2009) 218-231.
  75. C. Watanabe, S. Akaike and J.H. Shin, “Hybrid Management of Technology toward a Service-oriented Economy: Co-evolutionary Domestication by Fusing East and West,” Journal of Services Research 9, No. 2 (2009) 7-50.
  76. C. Watanabe, S. Yamauchi, J.H. Shin and Y. Tou, “Fusing East and West for High-profitable Resilient Structure in Mega-competition: A Lesson from Shin-Etsu Chemical’s Global Co-evolution Strategy,” Journal of Services Research 9, No. 2 (2009) 123-151.
  77. W. Zhao, C. Watanabe and C. Griffy-Brown, “An Exploration of Competitive Advantage in an Industry Cluster within Local Institutional Systems: The Case of Dalian Software Park in China,” Technology in Society 31, No. 2 (2009) 139-149.
  78. X. Yao, C. Watanabe and Y. Li, “Institutional Structure of Sustainable Development in BRICs: Focusing on ICT Utilization,” Technology in Society 31, No. 1 (2009) 9-28.
  79. C. Watanabe, K. Moriyama and J.H. Shin, “Functionality Development Dynamism in a Diffusion Trajectory: A Case of Japan’s Mobile Phones Development,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 76, No. 6 (2009) 737-753.
  80. G. Yoshikawa and C. Watanabe, “An Empirical Analysis of Firm Revitalization Innovation by Sectors and Revitalization Institutions,” Journal of Services Research 9, No. 1 (2009) 139-176.
  81. N. Ouchi and C. Watanabe, “Co-evolutionary Domestication for Self-Propagating Functionality Development: Lessons from Mobile Phone Business Ventures,” Journal of Services Research 9, No. 1 (2009) 69-86.
  82. C. Watanabe, S. Lei and N. Ouchi, “Fusing Indigenous Technology Development and Market Learning for Higher Functionality Development: An Empirical Analysis of the Growth Trajectory of Canon Printers,” Technovation 29, No. 2 (2009) 265-283.
  83. M. Nakagawa, C. Watanabe and C. Griffy-Brown, “Changes in the Technology Spillover Structure due to Economic Paradigm Shifts: A Driver of the Economic Revival in Japan’s Material Industry beyond the Year 2000,” Technovation 29, No. 1 (2009) 5-22.
  84. N. Ouchi, T. Takahashi, T. Saiki, C. Watanabe and Y. Tou, “Timing of the Initial Functionality Development as a Key to Sustainable Functionality: Comparative Analysis of Copying Machine Development in Canon and Ricoh,” Journal of Advances in Management Research 5, No. 2 (2009) 42-55.
  85. M. Mitsuda and C. Watanabe, “The Role of the Venture Leader Initiative in IPO Accomplishment: The Impact of Leader Characteristics on IPO Performance,” Journal of Services Research 8, No. 2 (2008) 141-174.
  86. M. Mitsuda and C. Watanabe, “Accerelated Interaction between Firms and Markets at ICT-based Venture Business: The Case of Mobile Phone Business in Japan,” Journal of Services Research 8, No. 2 (2008) 101-119.
  87. C. Watanabe and S. Lei, “The Role of Techno-countervailing Power in Inducing the Development and Dissemination of New Functionality: An Analysis of Canon Printers and Japan's Personal Computers,” International Journal of Technology Management 44, Nos. 1/2 (2008) 205-233.
  88. X. Yao and C. Watanabe, “Co-evolution between Economic Growth, Educational Development and Urbanization in China: Triggering Role of Informatization,” Asian Journal of Technology Innovation 16, No. 1 (2008) 23-44.
  89. K.L. Shum and C. Watanabe, “Towards a Local Learning (Innovation) Model of Solar Photovoltaic Development,” Energy Policy 36, No. 2 (2008) 508-521.
  90. N. Ouchi and C. Watanabe, “An Analysis of High Profitability Mechanism by means of Dynamism between Technological Diversification, Learning and Functionality Development,” in M.H. Sherif and T. Khalil eds., Management of Technology Innovation and Value Creation (World Scientific Publishing, New Jersey, 2008) 55-87.
  91. H. Horio and C. Watanabe, “The Paradox of a Service-oriented Economy for Sustainability: Co-evolution between Innovation and Resources Effectuation by a Global Complement,” Journal of Services Research 8, No. 1 (2008) 155-175.
  92. S. Tokumasu and C. Watanabe,"Institutional Structure Leading to the Similarity and Disparity in Innovation Inducement in EU 15 Countries," Journal of Services Research 8, No. 1 (2008) 5-42.
  93. W. Zhao and C. Watanabe, “A Comparison of Institutional Systems Affecting Software Advancement in China and India - The Role of Outsourcing from Japan and the United States,” Technology in Society 30, Nos. 3/4 (2008) 429-436.
  94. G. Yoshikawa and C. Watanabe, “Structural Source Enabling Firm Revitalization Innovation by Sectors - An Empirical Analysis of Japanese 31 Industrial Sectors,” Technovation 28, No. 1 (2008) 37-51.
  95. K. Fukuda and C. Watanabe, “Japanese and U.S. Perspectives on the National Innovation Ecosystem,” Technology in Society 30, No. 1 (2008) 49-63.
  96. K.L. Shum and C. Watanabe, “Photovoltaic Deployment Strategy in Japan and the USA - An Institutional Appraisal,” Energy Policy 35, No. 2 (2007) 1186-1195.
  97. A. Yamada and C. Watanabe, “Firms with Adaptability Lead a Way to Innovative Development,” in M. Horlesberger, M. El-Nawawi and T. Khalil eds., Challenges in the Management of New Technologies (World Scientific Publishing, New Jersey, 2007) 367-379.
  98. C. Watanabe, “Institutional MOT: Co-evolutionary Dynamism of Innovation and Institution,” in M. Horlesberger, M. El-Nawawi and T. Khalil eds., Challenges in the Management of New Technologies (World Scientific Publishing, New Jersey, 2007) 355-366.
  99. K.L. Shum and C. Watanabe, “The Effects of Technological Trajectory in Product Centric Firms upon the Transition to Service Provision: The Case of Smart Solar Photovoltaic,” Journal of Services Research 7, No. 2 (2007) 163-182.
  100. C. Chen and C. Watanabe, “Competitiveness through Co-evolution between Innovation and Institutional Systems: New Dimensions of Competitiveness in a Service-oriented Economy,” Journal of Services Research 7, No. 2 (2007) 27-55.
  101. R. Kondo, C. Watanabe and K. Moriyama, “A Resonant Development Trajectory for IT Development: Lessons from Japan's i-mode,” International Journal of Advances in Management Research 4, No. 2 (2007) 7-27.
  102. B.K. Ane, A.M. Tarasyev and C. Watanabe, “Impact of Technology Assimilation on Investment Policy: Dynamic Optimization and Econometric Identification,” Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 134, No. 3 (2007) 321-338.
  103. B.K. Ane, A.M. Tarasyev and C. Watanabe, “Construction of a Nonlinear Stabilizer for Trajectories of Economic Growth,” Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 134, No. 3 (2007) 303-320.
  104. R. Kato, C. Watanabe and Y. Tou, “Intra-firm Technology Spillovers Leveraging Co-evolution between Digital Technologies and their Application to Global Warming Mitigation: Towards Eco-friendly Business in a Service-oriented Economy,” Journal of Services Research 7, No. 1 (2007) 193-213.
  105. M. Nakagawa and C. Watanabe, “Moving Beyond Organizational Inertia as a Survival Strategy for Resource-based Industry in a Service-oriented Economy: Lessons from Cross-sector Technology Spillover in the Nonferrous Metal Industry,” Journal of Services Research 7, No. 1 (2007) 7-35.
  106. C. Chen, C. Watanabe and C. Griffy-Brown, “The Co-evolution Process of Technological Innovation: An Empirical Study of Mobile Phone Vendors and Telecommunication Service Operators in Japan,” Technology in Society 29, No. 1 (2007) 1-22.
  107. S. Yamauchi, S. Morisaki, C. Watanabe and Y. Tou, “A Resilience Structure as a Survival Strategy for Japan's Chemical Industry amidst Megacompetition: Suggestion to Management Research,” Journal of Advances in Management Research 4, No. 1 (2007) 29-48.
  108. C. Watanabe, H. Takahashi, Y. Tou and K.L. Shum, “Inter-fields Technology Spillovers Leveraging Co-evolution between Core Technologies and their Application to New Fields: Service-oriented Manufacturing toward a Ubiquitous Society,” Journal of Services Research 6, No. 2 (2006) 7-24.
  109. A. Ohmura and C. Watanabe, “Cross-products Technology Spillover in Inducing a Self-propagating Dynamism for the Shift to a Service-oriented Economy: Lessons from High-performance Fine Ceramics,” Journal of Services Research 6, No. 2 (2006) 145-179.
  110. C. Watanabe and W. Zhao, “Co-evolutionary Dynamism of Innovation and Institution,” in N. Yoda, R. Pariser and M.C. Chon eds., Chemical Business and Economics (The Chemical Society of Japan, Tokyo, 2006) 106-121.
  111. P. Fan and C. Watanabe, “Comparative Analysis of Japan's and China's Technology Policies and Industrial Development: Lessons for Developing Countries,” Technology in Society 28, No. 3 (2006) 303-320.
  112. C. Chen and C. Watanabe, “Diffusion, Substitution and Competition Dynamism Inside the ICT Market: The Case of Japan,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 73, No. 6 (2006) 731-759.
  113. T. Saiki, Y. Akano, C. Watanabe and Y. Tou, “A New Dimension of Potential Resources in Innovation: A Wider Scope of Patent Claims Can Lead to New Functionality Development,” Technovation 26, No. 7 (2006) 796-806.
  114. M. Hobo, C. Watanabe and C. Chen, “Double Spiral Trajectory between Retail, Manufacturing and Customers Leads a Way to Service-oriented Manufacturing,” Technovation 26, No. 7 (2006) 873-890.
  115. C. Watanabe and K. Fukuda, “National Innovation Ecosystem: The Similarity and Disparity of Japan-US Technology Policy Systems toward a Service-oriented Economy,” Journal of Services Research 6, No. 1 (2006) 159-186.
  116. G. Yoshikawa and C. Watanabe, “An Empirical Analysis of Firm Revitalization Innovation: Lessons from Japan's Lost Decade toward a Service-oriented Economy,” Journal of Services Research 6, No. 1 (2006) 9-29.
  117. C. Watanabe, J.Y. Hur and S. Lei, “Converging Trend of Innovation Efforts in High Technology Firms under Paradigm Shift: A Case of Japan's Electrical Machinery,” OMEGA 34, No. 2 (2006) 178-188.
  118. A. Nagamatsu, C. Watanabe and K.L. Shum, “Diffusion Trajectory of Self-propagating Innovations Interacting with Institutions - Incorporation of Multi-factor Learning Function to Model PV Diffusion in Japan,” Energy Policy 34, No. 4 (2006) 411-421.
  119. M. Mitsuda and C. Watanabe, “Initial Trajectory of the Start-up of New Ventures: Suggestion from the Milk Crown Model to Services Management,” Journal of Services Research 5, No. 2 (2005) 169-191.
  120. N. Osada and C. Watanabe, “Structural Impediments for Smaller Ventures in Creating New Emerging Industries in a Service-oriented Economy,” Journal of Services Research 5, No. 2 (2005) 7-35.
  121. A. Ohmura and C. Watanabe, “Inside the Black Box of Cross-functional Spillover: A Lesson from the Functionality Development of Fine Ceramics,” Journal of Advances in Management Research 2, No. 2 (2005) 7-23.
  122. K. Tanabe and C. Watanabe, “Soft Policy Instruments for Inducing Industrial Innovation in a Service-oriented Economy: A Comparative Analysis of the Vision System and University System,” Journal of Services Research 5, No. 1 (2005) 123-154.
  123. K. Tanabe and C. Watanabe, “Sources of Small and Medium Enterprises Excellent Business Performance in a Service-oriented Economy,” Journal of Services Research 5, No. 1 (2005) 5-20.
  124. B.K. Ane and C. Watanabe, “Structural Change in Techno-production of Japan's Automobile Industry,” Journal of Advances in Management Research 2, No. 1 (2005) 21-31.
  125. C. Watanabe, J.Y. Hur and K. Matsumoto, “Technological Diversification and Firm’s Techno-economic Structure: An Assessment of Cannon’s Sustainable Growth Trajectory,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 72, No. 1 (2005) 11-27.
  126. C. Watanabe, M. Kishioka and C. Carvajal, “IT Substitution for Energy Leads to a Resilient Structure for a Survival Strategy of Japan's Electric Power Industry,” Energy Policy 33, No. 8 (2005) 1069-1084.
  127. M. Katsumoto and C. Watanabe, “External Stimulation Accelerating a Structural Shift to Service-oriented Industry: A Cross Country Comparison,” Journal of Services Research 4, No. 2 (2004) 91-111.
  128. C. Watanabe and J.Y. Hur , “Resonant R&D Structure for Effective Technology Development amidst Megacompetition: An Empirical Analysis of Smart Cooperative R&D Structure in Japan's Transport Machinery Industry,” Technovation 24, No. 12 (2004) 955-969.
  129. C. Watanabe, K. Matsumoto and J.Y. Hur, “Technological Diversification and Assimilation of Spillover Technology: Cannon’s Scenario for Sustainable Growth,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 71, No. 9 (2004) 941-959.
  130. C. Carvajal and C. Watanabe, “Clustering Patterns in the Manufacturing Sectors of Japan,” Journal of Technology Innovation 12, No. 2 (2004) 99-126.
  131. C. Watanabe, R. Kondo, N. Ouchi, H. Wei and C. Griffy-Brown, “Institutional Elasticity as a Significant Driver of IT Functionality Development,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 71, No. 7 (2004) 723-750.
  132. C. Watanabe and B. Asgari, “Impacts of Functionality Development on the Dynamism between Learning and Diffusion of Technology,” Technovation 24, No. 8 (2004) 651-664.
  133. C. Watanabe and B.K. Ane, “Constructing a Virtuous Cycle of Manufacturing Agility: Concurrent Roles of Modularity in Improving Agility and Reducing Lead Time,” Technovation 24, No. 7 (2004) 573-583.
  134. C. Watanabe and M. Hobo, “Creating a Firm Self-propagating Function for Advanced Innovation-oriented Projects: Lessons from ERP,” Technovation 24, No. 6 (2004) 467-481.
  135. C. Watanabe and C. Carvajal, “Technological Distance between Manufacturing Sectors and Prefectures in Japan: Innovative Clusters and Patents,” Journal of Advances in Management Research 1, No. 2 (2004) 9-31.
  136. C. Carvajal, C. Watanabe and N. Osada, “Managing Technological and Geographical Distance: Empirical Analysis of Its Correlation in Spillovers of Economic Growth and R&D: A Case of Japan,” Development Engineering 10 (2004) 27-51.
  137. C. Watanabe, M. Kishioka and A. Nagamatsu, “Effect and Limit of the Government Role in Spurring Technology Spillover: A Case of R&D Consortia Initiated by the Japanese Goverment,” Technovation 24, No. 5 (2004) 403-420.
  138. C. Watanabe and J.Y. Hur, “Firms Strategy in Shifting to Service-oriented Manufacturing: The Case of Japan’s Electrical Machinery Industry,” Journal of Services Research 4, No. 1 (2004) 5-22.
  139. C. Watanabe, R. Kondo, N. Ouchi and H. Wei, “A Substitution Orbit Model of Competitive Innovations,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 71, No. 4 (2004) 365 -390.
  140. C. Watanabe, M. Kishioka and A. Nagamatsu, “Resilience as a Source of Survival Strategy for High-technology Firms Experiencing Megacompetition,” Technovation 24, No. 2 (2004) 139-152.
  141. C. Watanabe and M. Hobo, “Co-evolution between Internal Motivation and External Expectation as a Source of Firm Self-propagating Function Creation,” Technovation 24, No. 2 (2004) 109-120.
  142. C. Watanabe and S. Tokumasu, “Optimal Timing of R&D for Effective Utilization of Potential Resources in Innovation,” Journal of Advances in Management Research 1, No. 1 (2003) 11-27.
  143. M. Hobo and C. Watanabe, “An Examination of the Resonance between Self- propagating Function of ERP and Its Co-evolutional Impact as a Source of Maximum Firm Utilization of the Potential Benefits of IT,” Journal of Services Research 3, No. 2 (2003) 57-79.
  144. C. Watanabe, B. Asgari and A. Nagamatsu, “Virtuous Cycle between R&D Functionality Development and Assimilation Capacity for Competitive Strategy in Japan’s High-technology Industry,” Technovation 23, No. 11 (2003) 879-900.
  145. A. Ohmura, N. Ouchi, S. Morisaki and C. Watanabe, “Functionality Development as a Survival Strategy for Fine Ceramics,” Technovation 23, No. 10 (2003) 833-842.
  146. C. Watanabe and K. Tanabe, “Advancing Technological Innovation: Strategies for Small and Medium Enterprises in an IT Economy,” Asian Pacific Tech Monitor 20, No. 4 (2003) 47-51.
  147. R. Kondo and C. Watanabe, “The Virtuous Cycle between Institutional Elasticity, IT Advancement and Sustainable Growth: Can Japan Survive in an Information Society?,” Technology in Society 25, No. 3 (2003) 319-335.
  148. C. Watanabe and T. Tokumasu, “National Innovation Policies in an IT Society: The Myth of Technology Policies focusing on Supply Sides,” Science and Public Policy 30, No. 2 (2003) 70-84.
  149. C. Watanabe and B.K. Ane, “Co-evolution of Manufacturing and Service Industry Functions,” Journal of Services Research 3, No. 1 (2003) 101-118.
  150. C. Watanabe and A. Nagamatsu, “Sources of Structural Stagnation in R&D Intensity in Japan’s Electrical Machinery Industry,” Technovation 23, No. 7 (2003) 571-591.
  151. C. Watanabe, R. Kondo and A. Nagamatsu, “Policy Options for the Diffusion Orbit of Competitive Innovations: An Application of Lotka-Volterra Equation to Japan's Transition from Analog to Digital TV Broadcasting,” Technovation 23, No. 5 (2003) 437-445.
  152. C. Watanabe, A. Nagamatsu and C. Griffy- Brown, “Behavior of Technology in Reducing Prices of Innovative Goods: An Analysis of the Governing Factors of Variance of PV Module Prices,” Technovation 23, No. 5 (2003) 423-436.
  153. C. Watanabe and R. Kondo, “Institutional Elasticity towards IT Waves for Japan’s Survival,” Technovation 23, No. 4 (2003) 307-320.
  154. Y. Nakamura and C. Watanabe, “Management and the Effect of MITI’s R&D Project,” Technovation 23, No. 3 (2003) 221-238.
  155. C. Watanabe, R. Kondo, N. Ouchi and H. Wei, “Formation of IT Features through Interaction with Institutional Systems: Empirical Evidence of Unique Epidemic Behavior,” Technovation 23, No. 3 (2003) 205-219.
  156. C. Watanabe and B. Zhu, “A System Option for Sustainable Techno-metabolism: An Ecological Assessment of Japan's Industrial Technology System,” in D. Bourg and S. Erkman eds., Perspectives on Industrial Ecology (Greenleat Publishing, Sheffield, 2003) (ISBN 1-874719-46-2) 233-263.
  157. C. Watanabe and B. Asgari, “Dynamic Interactions between Assimilation Capacity, Technology Spillovers, Sales and R&D Intensity,” Technovation 23, No. 1 (2003) 15-34.
  158. S.A. Reshmin, A.M. Tarasyev and C. Watanabe, “Optimal Trajectories of Innovation Process and their Matching with Econometric Data,” Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 112, No. 3 (2002) 639-655.
  159. M. Takayama, C. Watanabe and C. Griffy-Brown, “Remaining Innovation without Sacrificing Stability: An Analysis of Strategies in the Japanese Pharmaceutical Industry that Enable Firms to Overcome Inertia Resulting from Successful Market Penetration of New Product Development,” Technovation 22, No. 12 (2002) 747-759.
  160. A. Kryazhimskii, C. Watanabe and Y. Tou, “Dynamic Model of Market of Patents and Equilibrium in Technology Stocks,” Computer and Mathematics with Applications 44, No. 7 (2002) 979- 995.
  161. C. Watanabe, C. Griffy-Brown, B. Zhu and A. Nagamatsu, “Inter-firm Technology Spillover and the Creatation of a 'Virtuous Cycle' between R&D, Market Growth, and Price Reduction: The Case of Photovoltaic Power Generation Development in Japan,” in A. Gruebler, N. Nakicenovic, and W.D. Nordhaus eds., Technological Change and the Environment (Resources for the Future (RFF) Press, Washington, DC, 2002) (ISBN 1-891853-46-5) 127-159.
  162. M. Takayama, C. Watanabe and C. Griffy-Brown, “Alliance Strategy as Competitive Strategy for Successively Creative New Product Development,” Technovation 22, No. 10 (2002) 607-614.
  163. A.M. Tarasyev, C. Watanabe and B. Zhu, “Optimal Feedbacks in Techno-economical Dynamics,” International Journal of Technology Management 23, Nos. 7/8 (2002) 691-717.
  164. C. Griffy-Brown, A. Nagamatsu, C. Watanabe and B. Zhu, “Technology Spillovers and Economic Vitality: An Analysis of Institutional Flexibility in Japan with Comparisons to the US,” International Journal of Technology Management 23, No. 8 (2002) 746-768.
  165. K. Hur and C. Watanabe, “Dynamic Process of Technology Spillover: A Transfer Function Approach,” Technovation 22, No. 7 (2002) 437-444.
  166. C. Watanabe, M. Takayama, A. Nagamatsu, T. Tagami and C. Griffy-Brown, “Technology Spillover as a Complement for High-level R&D Intensity in the Pharmaceutical Industry,” Technovation 22, No. 4 (2002) 245-258.
  167. M. Takayama and C. Watanabe, “Myth of Market Needs and Technology Seeds as a Source of Product Innovation,” Technovation 22, No. 6 (2002) 353-362.
  168. K. Matsumoto, N. Ouchi, C. Watanabe and C. Griffy-Brown, “Optimal Timing of the Development of Innovative Goods with Generation,” Technovation 22, No. 3 (2002) 175-185.
  169. C. Watanabe, “Industrial Ecology and Technology Policy: Japanese Experience,” in R.U. Ayres and L.M. Ayres eds., A Handbook of Industrial Ecology (Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK. and Northamptom MA, USA, 2002) 232-245.
  170. A.M. Tarasyev and C. Watanabe, “Dynamic Optimality Principles and Sensitivity Analysis in Models of Economic Growth,” Nonlinear Analysis 47 (2001) 2309-2320.
  171. C. Watanabe, S.A. Reshmin and A.M. Tarasyev, “Dynamical Model of R&D Investment,” Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PMM) 65, No. 3 (2001) 408-425 (in Russian).
  172. C. Watanabe, Y. Tsuji and C. Griffy-Brown, “Patent Statistics: Deciphering a Real versus a Pseudo Proxy of Innovation,” Technovation 21, No. 12 (2001) 783-790.
  173. C. Watanabe, B. Zhu and T. Miyazawa, “Hierarchical Impacts of the Length of Technology Waves: An Analysis of Techno-labor Homeostasis,” Technology Forecasting and Social Change 68, No. 1 (2001) 81-104.
  174. C. Watanabe, K. Matsumoto and C. Griffy-Brown, “Development and Diffusion Trajectory of Innovative Products in light of Institutional Maturity,” Technovation 21, No. 10 (2001) 637-647.
  175. C. Watanabe, B. Zhu, C. Griffy-Brown and B. Asgari, “Global Technology Spillover and Its Impact on Industry's R&D Strategies,” Technovation 21, No. 5 (2001) 281-291.
  176. K. Hur and C. Watanabe, “Unintentional Technology Spillover between Two Sectors: Kinetic Approach,” Technovation 21, No. 4 (2001) 227-235.
  177. A.M. Tarasyev and C. Watanabe, “Optimal Dynamics of Innovation in Models of Economic Growth,” Journal of Optimal Theory and Applications 108, No. 1 (2001) 175-203.
  178. M. Orihata and C. Watanabe, “Evolutional Dynamics of Product Innovation,” Technovation 20, No. 8 (2000) 437-499.
  179. C. Watanabe, K. Wakabayashi and T. Miyazawa, “Industrial Dynamism and the Creation of a Virtuous Cycle between R&D, Market Growth and Price Reduction,” Technovation 20, No. 6 (2000) 299-312.
  180. M. Orihata and C. Watanabe, “The Interaction between Product Concept and Institutional Inducement: A New Driver of Product Innovation,” Technovation 20, No. 1 (2000) 11-23.
  181. C. Griffy-Brown, C. Watanabe and K. Fujisue, “Technology Spillovers and Informatization in Japan: An Analysis of Information Technology Diffusion in Large versus Small and Medium-sized Enterprises,” International Journal of Technology Management 17, No. 4 (1999) 362-389.
  182. C. Watanabe, “Systems Option for Sustainable Development: Effect and Limit of the MITI’s Efforts to Substitute Technology for Energy,” Research Policy 28, No. 7 (1999) 719-749.
  183. C. Watanabe, “Systems Option for Sustainable Development” in OECD edt., Energy the Next Fifty Years (OECD, Paris, 1999) 121-146.
  184. C. Watanabe and M. Hemmert, “The Interaction between Technology and Economy: Has the Virtuous Cycle of Japan's Technological Innovation System Collapsed?,” in M. Hemmert and C. Oberlander eds., Technology and Innovation in Japan (Routledge, New York, 1998) 37-57.
  185. C. Watanabe, “Predicting the Future - Shaping the Future of Engineering,” in E. Shannon edt., Engineering, Innovation and Society (Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences, Edinburgh, 1997) 23-54.
  186. C. Watanabe, and K. Wakabayashi “The Perspective of Techno-metabolism and its Insight into National Strategies,” Research Evaluation 6, No. 2 (1997) 69-76.
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  189. C. Watanabe, “Choosing Energy Technologies - The Japanese Approach,” in IEA eds., Comparing Energy Technologies (OECD/IEA, Paris, 1996) 105-138.
  190. C. Watanabe, “Identification of the Role of Renewable Energy,” Renewable Energy 6, No. 3 (1995) 237-274.
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  1. C. Watanabe, Y. Tou and P. Neittaanmaki, ”Transformingthe Socio Economy with Digital Innovation” (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2021).
  2. C. Watanabe, “Managing Innovation in Japan: The Role Institutions Play in Helping or Hindering How Companies Develop Technology” (Springer, Berlin, 2009).
  3. M.V. Geenhuizen and C. Watanabe, “Technological Innovation Across Nations: Applied Studies of Co-evolutionary Developments” (Springer, Berlin, 2009).
  4. C. Watanabe, “Techno-Economic Systems” (Sosei-sha Publishers, Tokyo, 2007).
  5. A. Kryazhimskiy and C. Watanabe, “Optimization of Technological Growth” (Gendaitosho, Tokyo, 2004)
  6. C. Watanabe edt., “Numerical Analysis of Technological Innovation” (Nikka-giren Publishers, Tokyo, 2001).
  7. C. Watanabe, K. Miyazaki and M. Katsumoto, “Theory of Techno-Economics” (Nikka-giren Publishers, Tokyo, 1998).
  8. C. Watanabe, I. Santoso and T. Widyanti, “The Inducing Power of Japanese Technological Innovation” (Pinter Publishers, London, 1991).